Folklore: Witch Of The Golden Lane | Trinidad and tobago, Trinidad ...
Even though this is not actual picture of her, this is what the stories depict her as.

Sarah, the village’s midwife which gave her the title Gang Gang, (Bump in the Night, 2018) also known as ‘The Witch of Golden Lane’, existed in Africa. A creature with the ability to fly ended her journey in Tobago in the mid 18th century. There are multiple versions of the Gang Gang Sarah but the known one is that Sarah, flew to Tobago to tend to the African slaves. When her job was done after Emancipation and all the slaves were freed, she climbed to the top of the Silk Cotton Tree to go back home, however, she was unable to fly and fell to her death since she unknowingly lost her ability to fly by consuming salt on the island. (Bump in the Night, 2018)

There is also another version where Sarah and the person she loved, Tom were slaves on the Golden Lane plantation. Sarah was believed that she possessed powers that made her an influential person. Long ago, after her husband died, she wanted to fly back to her country, however, because she ate food that has salt in it, she lost the ability to fly and fell to her death. They buried her next to her husband.

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