Image 5: Fairy Maid

Fairymaids believe to reside in Charlotteville, where the Caribbean meets the Atlantic Ocean (a) (Millar, 2015) and are believed to be gorgeous beings that have long hair and tiny feet in the shape of a deer’s hoof. (b) (TriniView.com – TnT’s Folklore and Legends – Tobago Folklore, 2020) There have been stories from the island of Guam (c), a Spanish colonization of Pacific around the early 17th century. (d) (Trinidad mermaids – this is Malia, 2020)

They can be located in certain caves or waterfalls where it is deep. They are known to distract and attract men using their power to steal their shadow which will cause them to be deranged. In order to get back his shadow, he must return to the same river or waterfall he found her and with company he must beg for his shadow. As soon as this task is completed, he must leave and never look back.

To discontinue a relationship with a Fairymaid, it will cost two pairs of shoes. The first pair must be burnt on the beach and when she comes out from the water, she would inquire if she will be getting paid for the services she did in the past. The man’s response should include ‘nothing but this pair of shoes’ where he then must proceed to throw them into the ocean. (TriniView.com – TnT’s Folklore and Legends – Tobago Folklore, 2020)


a) Millar, S., 2015. On Tobago, Mermen Come Calling. [online] Nytimes.com. Available at: <https://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/11/travel/tobago-caribbean-islands.html&gt;.

b) Triniview.com. 2020. Triniview.Com – Tnt’s Folklore And Legends – Tobago Folklore. [online] Available at: <http://www.triniview.com/TnT/TobagoFolklore.htm&gt;.

c) Whereig.com. 2020. Where Is Guam? Where Is Guam Located In The World Map. [online] Available at: <https://www.whereig.com/au-oceania/where-is-guam.html&gt;.

d) this is Malia. 2020. Trinidad Mermaids – This Is Malia. [online] Available at: <https://maliamovement.wordpress.com/tag/trinidad-mermaids/&gt;.

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