Pronunciation: Duppee

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Image 7: Duppy

A Duppy originated from Africa which was part of Bantu folklore, is a Jamaican Patois word for spirit. It is reminiscent of the African belief that the ancestors of the living are omnipresent, watching to ensure that the living adhere to traditional customs. (a) (Jamcian Ghosts – The Duppy, 2016) It is a representation of the souls of the dead persons which can take any form of an animal or human.

They are normally considered as malignant that come out and haunt people at night. People are suspected to have a good soul and an earthly soul. These good spirits, also known as ancestral spirits cannot be seen.(b) (Duppy, Caribbean folklore. | Mythology & Folklore Amino, 2017) They are believed that be able to irritate or harm persons that they wish to do harm to and can also take the form of a dead relative or animal. They linger or can be summoned by obeah-men or women to inflict damage where they will benefit as their form of payment would be food or drinks, rum in particular. (a) (Jamcian Ghosts – The Duppy, 2016) The Duppy known to inhabit the roots of cotton trees where they mostly come out during the night or at midday.


a) Anticipationvilla.com. 2016. Jamcian Ghosts – The Duppy. [online] Available at: <https://www.anticipationvilla.com/post/2016/10/27/jamcian-ghosts-the-duppy&gt;.

b) Mythology & Folklore | aminoapps.com. 2017. Duppy, Caribbean Folklore. | Mythology & Folklore Amino. [online] Available at: <https://aminoapps.com/c/mythfolklore/page/blog/duppy-caribbean-folklore/qaJE_LBFRuwqMZNJn8V2dawX7kPDGrkVk6&gt;.

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